Mr. Julien Thomas has provided the SOSORO Museum with a 360-degree photograph panorama and subsequent virtual restitution of our temporary exhibition “The journey of King Sisowath in France: a mutual revelation”. The quality of the service and final product provided by Mr. Thomas has been outstanding, thanks to his attention to detail, the quality of the images he created, and his mastery of the 360-degree-technology. The success of this project also resulted from Mr. Thomas’ dedication and willingness to constantly engage with and understand the needs of the SOSORO Museum communication team. The SOSORO Museum was therefore extremely satisfied with Mr. Julien Thomas’ service and would not hesitate to recommend him for any similar task.


The SOSORO Museum (founded by the National Bank of Cambodia) is a large and respectful museum in Phnom Penh.

Their project and Julien’s work consisted in virtualizing their first temporary exhibition before it was taken down.

Virtual Exhibition About King Sisowath

This first exhibition was focused on “The journey of H. M. King Sisowath in France in 1906”.

This 360° virtual project was created with gigapixel images, allowing the project to have an exceptional zoom quality – like on the exhibition’ walls to read the small text captions.

View 360° virtual project

Project Characteristics

• User Interface: Drop-down menu | Video-clips on TVs | Embedded videos from YouTube | PDF file available | Background soundtrack.
• Total of 360º photos: 7.