Pricing or not photography services on a website is a source of debate among professional photographers.
In that matter, you will find below the starting prices of Julien’s services. Those first information will already give you the idea if his fees matches with your budget or not.
Julien’s pricing are all-inclusive and without hidden costs.
Minimum project price: US$450.
Minimum project price: US$130 per hour (2-hour minimum).
Minimum project price: US$540.
More information about Julien’s megapixel resolution images.
Minimum project price: US$1050.
More information about Julien’s gigapixel resolution images.
Most professional photographers work with a per-image rate, as Julien do.
In comparison with a per-hour or daily rate, a per-image rate puts no pressure on a photographer’s shoulders to take the best shots, giving the necessary time and preparation. The benefit to the client is that you only pay for the final photos, regardless of how much time the photographer spent taking them.
Unless you have a professional photographer based in your neighborhood, a professional photographer will have to travel to the client’s place, and this expense will be at the client’s account. You will need to provide accommodation, meals and transportation to the photographer for the photo shooting.
Taking a corporate photo isn’t straightforward as some people can expect. Taking one shot for professional photographers can take up to 1 hour. Setting a tripod, staging for the best frame, light conditions and many other aspects, are critical to ensure that photographers will have captured the best shots they wants before taking them to post-production.
However, for photo shooting with high-end places, professional photographers will use a “call sheet” document. This type of document aims to organize a photo shoot such as the start time, shooting time per locations, ‘what’ or ‘who’ needs to be involved and breaks times.
Organizing a photo shoot must be very well scheduled. For example and when taking photos in a hotel lobby, we don’t want to create an inconvenience for the hotel guests during check-in/checkout times.
Depends on the professional photographer you are working with, some photographers can add a post-production fee to their projects – according to the number of photos they will have to edit.
All the post-production fees are included in Julien’s rates.
Only Julien shoot and edit his photos. This ensure that clients gets his full experience for their project.
• Equipment:
Full-frame DSLR, only take RAW shots and portable lighting equipment.
• Approach To A Photo Shoot:
Julien finds his inspiration after looking at a hotel room, bathroom, etc., getting a first feeling for the place and considering potential angles before getting my camera on board.
• Post-Production:
Julien works with licensed Adobe software.
All professional photographers have their own style and talent when editing photos.
Professional photography is kinda like cooking!
If the ingredients/RAW shots aren't great, the food/final photos may have been better.
However, if you're not talented in cooking/editing your photos, it's another story!Julien Thomas